Penal Law

Penal laws are similar to those of criminal law. However, they govern some specific fields and can apply to companies as well as individuals. Good examples would be driving over the speed limit or hunting without a valid hunting licence.

The Law Office’s Areas of Intervention and Expertise

Code de la sécurité routière

Highway Safety Code

Jonathan Boivin represents any persons charged with an offence to the Highway Safety Code. His assignment? Negotiate advantageous solutions tailored to his clients’ situation, and if need be, go on trial. To request your driving record online, follow this link:

Code des professions

Professional Code

The Professional Code governs the exercise of certain professions by certain people. Penal provisions are determined for violations of the Professional Code and Jonathan Boivin knows how to defend his clients’ interests.

Lois sur l’environnement

Environmental laws/violations of environmental statutes

Jonathan Boivin defends the interests of any persons charged with violations against environmental laws.

Demande de permis restreint

Restricted licence request

Jonathan Boivin guides his clients through the process of a restricted licence request so that they may drive during the sanction period following the revocation or the suspension of their licence.

Rétractation de jugement et demande de suspension d’exécution de la peine

Revocation of Judgment and Suspension of a Sentence

Mr. Boivin represents his sentenced clients to quash the default judgment against them and suspend the adding of demerit points to their driving record.

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